Trust Wällèt issues | Troubleshoot with Confidence

Trust Wallet is a Chrome extension that lets you access your digital assets across multiple networks, such as Ethereum, Solana, and BNB Chain..

Trust Wallet, a popular mobile cryptocurrency wallet, has gained widespread recognition for its user-friendly interface and robust features. However, like any technology, users may encounter issues from time to time. In this blog, we'll explore some common Trust Wallet issues and potential solutions.

1. Connection Issues:

Users may face connectivity problems, preventing the wallet from accessing the blockchain or connecting to the internet. To resolve this, check your internet connection, restart the app, or try switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data.

2. Transaction Delays:

Delayed transactions can be frustrating. Ensure that your wallet is up to date, and consider adjusting the transaction fee if the network is congested. Trust Wallet allows users to set custom fees for faster transaction processing.

3. Token Not Visible:

If you've successfully received tokens but can't see them in your wallet, you may need to add the token manually. Tap on the "+" icon, search for the token, and enable it to display in your wallet.

4. Incorrect Balance Display:

In some instances, the displayed balance might be incorrect. This can often be resolved by refreshing the wallet or syncing it with the blockchain. If the issue persists, try restarting the app or checking for updates.

5. App Crashes:

Crashes can occur due to various reasons, such as outdated software or conflicting applications. Ensure that your Trust Wallet app is updated to the latest version. If the problem persists, consider reinstalling the app.

6. Lost Recovery Phrase:

The recovery phrase is crucial for restoring access to your wallet. If you lose it, recovery becomes challenging. Always store your recovery phrase securely, preferably offline, and never share it with anyone.

7. Phishing Attempts:

Be cautious of phishing attempts or fake Trust Wallet apps. Only download the app from official app stores and never enter your recovery phrase or private keys on suspicious websites.

8. Unsupported Tokens:

Trust Wallet supports a wide range of tokens, but occasionally, users may find a token that is not supported. In such cases, users can manually add custom tokens to their wallet.

9. Security Concerns:

If you suspect any unauthorized access or security breach, take immediate action. Change your passwords, enable additional security features, and contact Trust Wallet support for assistance.

10. Unconfirmed Transactions:

If your transaction remains unconfirmed for an extended period, it might be stuck in the mempool. You can try increasing the transaction fee or using a blockchain explorer to monitor its status.


While Trust Wallet is a reliable platform, users may encounter occasional issues. Staying informed about potential problems and their solutions is crucial. Regularly updating the app, securing your recovery phrase, and being vigilant against phishing attempts are key practices to ensure a smooth experience with Trust Wallet. If persistent issues arise, reaching out to Trust Wallet's support can provide personalized assistance to resolve specific concerns.

Last updated